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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tips on how to have a good sleep.

1. Set a Bedtime Alert
Most of us already use an alarm to wake up in the morning. setting it at 
night one hour before bedtime, which reminds them to begin the 
power-down hour. you should spend the first 20 minutes of that hour 
taking care of any necessary chores , then spend the next 20 minutes
on hygiene (washing up, brushing your teeth ) , and save the last 20 
minutes before bed for relaxation.

2. Don't Clear Your Mind
Experts say anxiety and depression top the list of reasons people have 
trouble sleeping. Part of the problem is that many of us just can't seem 
to quiet that internal voice that starts rambling on about the worries of 
the day. Of course, if you can clear your mind, go ahead and do it. But if 
that's impossible, don't force it--you'll only end up panicking about the 
fact that you're not sleeping. Instead, try slowing down your thoughts. 
Practice saying anything and everything that comes into your mind to 
yourself in a slow, monotonous, & drowsy tone. It doesn't matter 
if you're thinking about what to buy tomorrow at the grocery store or 
how a big presentation at work is going to go. If you slow everything 
down and talk to yourself in an even tone, you'll find it's that much 
harder to keep worrying (or stay awake).

3. Count Numbers--Not Sheep
Another great way to quiet those racing thoughts is to count backward 
from 300 by 3s. Unless you're a math ace, you probably won't be able to 
focus on anything else while you're doing this, which means you'll end up 
distracting yourself from your stressful thoughts.

4. Get Up a Half-Hour Earlier
Yes, you read that right! If you're suffering from chronic insomnia, try 
getting up, for example, at 6:30 instead of your usual 7 wakeup time--no 
matter what time you fell asleep the night before. You may be 
extra-sleepy for a little while, but this is hands-down the most effective 
way to reset your body clock. It works because it teaches your body that 
it can't catch up on sleep in the morning, so eventually you'll start feeling 
drowsier earlier in the evening.

5. Consider Seeing a Professional
A sleep psychologist is someone who specializes in gathering info about 
your emotions and your behaviors specifically as they relate to sleep. 
Often found at sleep centers, a sleep psychologist can usually help 
resolve your sleep issues in just four to six sessions.

6. Don't Worry If You Can't Sleep Right Away
You shouldn't pass out the second your head hits the pillow. If that 
happens all the time, it's a sign that you're sleep deprived. Ideally, 
it should take 15 to 25 minutes from when you lie down to when you 
drift off to sleep.

7. Go to Bed When You're Tired
If you're having ongoing sleep troubles, don't worry so much about the 
fact that it's almost midnight and you have to get up in less than seven 
hours. Forcing yourself to stay in bed when you're not sleepy is just 
going to contribute to more tossing and turning. Instead, get up, do 
something relaxing, and go back to bed whenever you do feel tired. 
You might end up exhausted the next day (but that was bound to 
happen either way under these circumstances), and the following night 
you should have better luck getting to bed earlier.

A Good Sleep Lead To A Healthy Life.


Anonymous said...

Anda menyelesaikan beberapa poin di sana. Saya melakukan pencarian dengan tema dan menemukan sebagian besar orang akan memiliki pendapat yang sama dengan blog Anda.

Unknown said...

thank u :)

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